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Hi! I’m a clin­i­cal psy­chi­a­trist work­ing in the dun­geons of the ivory tow­er of acad­e­mia. I see patients in the hos­pi­tal and in out­pa­tient clin­ics, super­vise res­i­dents, and teach med­ical stu­dents. When I get some spare time, I try to keep up-to-date with all the devel­op­ments in the field. Like any med­ical or tech­ni­cal field, the rate of new devel­op­ments is accel­er­at­ing far beyond what any­one can read­i­ly keep up with. Every week my mail­box is filled with a seem­ing­ly end­less sup­ply of jour­nals, mag­a­zines, drug com­pa­ny mar­ket­ing mate­r­i­al, and the like.

The inter­net pro­vides a great way to sort and access some of this infor­ma­tion, but I have to spend my pre­cious time try­ing to find it and decide if it is use­ful to me in my very real prac­tice with very real patients. I have been wish­ing that there was one place that could pull togeth­er use­ful infor­ma­tion on top­ics with direct rel­e­vance to every­day clin­i­cal psy­chi­atric prac­tice. I’ve decid­ed that I would try to put such a site togeth­er, and psy­ch­stuff was born.

Financial Disclosure

This web­site, the com­pan­ion blog, and the Twitter account, are all sup­port­ed by me and me alone. I accept no out­side sources of income for this site. I have no affil­i­a­tions with any phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­ny, CME enti­ty, lob­by­ing group, or oth­er orga­ni­za­tion apart from my employ­er, a state-fund­ed med­ical school. Since I do this on my own time and with my own resources, I don’t even con­sid­er them an influence.

I used to do a few talks for Pfizer, and attended/got paid for a cou­ple of region­al “opin­ion groups.” That end­ed sev­er­al years ago when I decid­ed I did­n’t like the fact that I was being paid to be a spokesmod­el. So this site is Pharma-free, make of that what you will. As to my opin­ion about doing such work, please see my WWOD? page.